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Email is the most popular method of communication, however it’s also the most vulnerable. Hackers are constantly seeking ways to penetrate your email account, and even steal sensitive data.

The first step is to ensure your passwords are strong and unique. Make sure they’re at least 16 characters long and contain upper and lowercase symbols, letters, numbers and other characters.

Another step is to use an email service provider that is secure (ESP). The best ones come with anti-spam and antiphishing features that automatically scan and remove malicious attachments hyperlinks, and other content before they are delivered to your inbox.

You can also use encryption to protect your emails so that only you are able to read them. This is a great choice for business emails if you do not want your employees to be able to copy or forward messages. Encrypting messages is similar to locking a box using your public key and private key. If someone is able to access an encrypted message, they’ll see text that is unclear.

Be careful not to share your email address on social media and websites. If you need to, use an alias so that your actual email address doesn’t become visible. Also, make sure you use multi-factor authentication for all your important accounts including your email. A compromised account could cause a number of others to be compromised therefore it’s worth the extra effort.




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